
Showing posts from January, 2018

Define your success

I am not going to lie, this new journey for me has not been easy.  Easy is sitting on the couch saying I will start tomorrow, or okay I exercised today lets celebrate with junk food! Today! January 8, 2017 I have stayed true to myself, I remind myself of my reason to start all this, I was tired of feeling sick and tired.  I decided that I needed to stop making excuses.  Everytime I get on the treadmill I think I will only do as much as I can, as soon as I am tired I will stop.  But something strange happens - with every step I take, as I listen to the trainer in my ear and they are telling me to get ready to step it up or go another 60 seconds or its time to increase the incline, a little voice in my head quickly pops in and says you don't have to you know, and then I think momentarily thats right maybe I won't increase the incline I don't have too... but when that tone plays I all of sudden find myself doing it, I push the voices out of my head and push myself...

I am still at it...

So it has been a little while since I posted and I am sure some may have thought that my fit and fab by fifty goal had fallen away as it has many times, but I am here to surprise you and tell you I am still on track. I was sick for a few days in early December and then I allowed myself to take a break for the holidays, but in between I did still manage to exercise more days in December than I didn't.  I am so pleased that I did not have to make a resolution to stay healthy or to exercise I just want to continue on the path that I am on. My son came home for Christmas and so I have I spent more time in "family" mode, resting, relaxing and just enjoying the holidays.  He goes back this Sunday but I found myself today craving to get back in the swing of things, I found myself wanting to get my steps in and get back on the treadmill, but most of all challenging myself with the fitbit coach. I was pleasantly surprised by that, I must admit.  I really do enjoy the workout...

Listen to your body

So every "body" is different, but they all speak the same language.  We all know when we are tired, we all know when we are hungry, thirsty, in pain, etc.  Our bodies are really quite remarkable when we take a few minutes to think about it. So what I learnt last week was that sometimes we have to listen to our body, sometimes I can push through my illness and sometimes you just can't.  Sometimes we just need rest, and when we don't listen especially me with my lupus, my body will force me to rest.  So last week, I was forced to rest for 3 days. It took all my energy to feed myself and go to the bathroom, so workouts were definitely out of the question.  This is when my fear and doubt crept in, what if I don't get back on the horse, what if this is it an I never exercise again, I have stopped before will I stop again? Well after a few days of rest I awoke on Monday with the anticipation that I might not get on the treadmill.  But I put my exercise gear...