Take "Me" Time
So it has been 5 months since I started my journey to fitness, I think I can almost say it's a habit, I now crave fitness, I am not going to lie, there are still days where I would rather do anything but exercise, on those days I have chosen to rename it! I no longer exercise, I take "me time". I no longer look at it as the dreaded treadmill or the dreaded workout, it is simply "me time" - a time where I focus on me and my health. I listen to my body if it says I can do more, I push, if it says I don't think so sister, I go slow... after all I am only trying to improve me. I do not have any hidden goals, I am not paying someone to tell me what "I" need, I am doing what I need, when I need it, and for as long as I can do it. Exercise to me was something that I was NOT interested in at all 6 months ago, as a matter of fact I would often make jokes about it, my favorite was... if you see me running, you better run too!!! Well now if you come v...