The Struggle is Real!!!

So today I am finally writing, I am still working on myself.  I still struggle to put myself first.  I am going to be honest, there are many other things I would rather be doing than being on a treadmill.

The last month I have been super busy enjoying visitors and to be honest slacking on my work outs.  I have allowed myself to slip back into excuses and finding many other things to do to avoid getting on the treadmill.

You see when I started my journey I was alone in the mornings with nothing to do, but now that I am settled in and enjoying life and visitors on a regular basis it was easy to overlook the treadmill, but I continued to eat healthy, I continue to stay active and do things that I don't normally do, I have hiked waterfalls, I have gone snorkeling, I have been on a rope swing and plunged into a pool of water.  It is easy to loose focus with so many distractions, but I know I need to keep doing this to stay healthy and enjoy a more active life in Jamaica, not to mention look rocking in a bathing suit because I do spend a lot of time in and one and it can be difficult to over look your flaws in a bikini.

So, yesterday my friend got another fit bit hers broke over a month ago and we all have those people in our lives that motivate, and she is mine, I push her and she pushes me.  So again the challenges start, I have a few others that join our challenges and each one pushes me in a different way.  Well I am happy to say I got back on the treadmill today and it felt good, and all my fitbit partners noticed and cheer me along my way - it is important to be internally motivated but it is so much more fun when you have friends and cheerleaders along the way - imagine running a marathon with no one lining the sides cheering you on? It would be so much more difficult and a lot less fun and rewarding.

So an update on my progress, I am now weighing in at 150lbs - I started in November at 165lbs I have not done any crazy diets or hours and hours of exercise, I try to walk daily on the treadmill for a minimum 30 minutes, I use an app called fitcoach which gives me different treadmill and strength building exercises, and I eat normally, however I made one slight change, I use vegetables as my main course and protein and other items as a side dish, more than 50% of my meal consists of vegetables and I guess it is working, slowly, but it is working.  My goal is to get to 140 - 145lbs in a sustainable  way.

Oh and if you see someone who is naturally slimmer trying to be healthy - don't question their motives, I have always been considered slim as I am tall, however I did not feel healthy and I had issues with how my body looked - we all need to be happy with where we are at and just because someone is perceived as slim does not mean they are healthy or have extra weight spread out over a larger frame... So many people tell me, but you are so slim... yes but now I am slim and healthy and strong like I want to be.

Have a great day - and fitness truly does start with one small step!!!
