The scale lies!!

So another thing I have learnt in my month and a bit of exercise is the scale lies.

This is not a correct measure of progress unfortunately.  We all have one and we all get on it and then curse when we don't like the number, and eat a donut or two if on a rare occasion we do...

I stopped using my scale - I refused to get on it anymore as it was only lying to me I told myself, it must be broken, I am doing all this exercise and cardio and still weigh the same - it was trying to demotivate me?

I decided to not measure myself by weight, instead I took a simple piece of string and put it around my thickest part (my tummy) and cut the string to size, then every Wednesday, not sure why Wednesday but that's the day, I put the string around and see the difference... it is happening gradually and I am happy with that... after all I didn't gain it all at once, how can you loose it that way.

Again, I am not "dieting" I am feeding myself better foods, I am eating as many raw and fresh things I can handle in a day, carbs, no carbs, I am not whole foods, I am just watching what I eat and still enjoying food.  So I am not expecting huge losses... I am okay with little by little. Oh and I drink water, lots of water, I never really drank juice and the occasional pop with a dinner out so really no change there, but the biggest thing I did do is switch to black coffee - I haven't totally given up sugar I still have a pkg of stevia in it, but I got rid of my French Vanilla Delight and anyone who knows me knows how much I love that stuff and how dedicated I must be if I gave that up!!!

So I started at 162lbs, I am sure there is a decimal in there but I am not getting hung up on that, I am 40+ days in and scales says I have lost a couple pounds, so not too bad.  I will keep at this not to change the scale but to change my health. 

The scale lies, my energy does not!

Thanks for reading!
